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Road Traffic Accidents

Passenger claims

If you are a passenger in a vehicle that’s involved in an accident you can make a claim for your injuries. It’s important to remember, that as a passenger you are the innocent victim and if you have been injured in the accident, then you are entitled to make a claim – and receive personal injury compensation.
Passenger Claims

No Win No Fee Passenger Claims

Recovery Assist are leading Passenger claims solicitors, so we can help you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Call Recovery Assist on 0161 762 4949 or complete our contact form and we will call you.
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Click here for more information on No Win No Fee Passenger Claims

Can I Make A Passenger Claim?

Here at Recovery Assist, we can explain what affect your claim will have on the driver. Generally your driver will have an insurance policy so it shouldn’t cost them a penny. Who is at fault and which insurance company ultimately has to pay out depends on the accident circumstances. Our team of experienced, personal injury solicitors can assess your case and advise you as to likely outcome. Many people believe it is just the driver of the vehicle who is able to claim compensation for injuries sustained in a road accident. But as a passenger, you have the same rights if you have been injured. And you can still claim if the crash was the fault of the driver of the other vehicle or vehicles involved. Perhaps you were a passenger on a bus or in a taxi and you have suffered an injury as a result of an accident with another vehicle or as a result of your driver’s erratic driving? Under these circumstances you may also have a claim, click here to read more about Bus claims.

What if a friend or family member was driving?

Some people worry about making a claim, especially if they were being driven by a friend or relative, and that person was responsible for the accident. At Recovery Assist, we know from experience that some people think twice about claiming compensation against someone they know. But think about this: Your compensation could aid your recovery, and, if your claim is successful, your friend or family member’s insurance company will pay the compensation. So you needn’t worry about your friend or family member being out of pocket.

What if the vehicle I was in was at fault?

One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to making a claim for passenger compensation after a road accident is that you are unable to claim if you were in the vehicle that caused the accident. This is not the case. As long as you were not the person at the wheel at the time of the accident you are perfectly entitled to make a claim against the driver of the car. It is after all his or her responsibility to drive safely and to avoid having any accidents whilst you are their passenger.

Tips for passengers

  • Try and get the registration number of the vehicle you were travelling in
  • Ask for the driver’s name
  • Make a note of where the accident happened
  • Take photographs if possible
  • Make a note of names and numbers of any witnesses
  • If the accident happened on a bus, make a note of the number and the route. You should also keep a copy of your ticket, speak to other passengers and ask for their contact details as they may be willing to act as witnesses
  • Claim for the cost of replacing or repairing any items of yours that were damaged or lost in the crash
  • Claim for lost earnings or income due to time off work following the accident
  • Arrange free physiotherapy sessions to alleviate some of the most common symptoms that victims of road traffic accidents sustain, such as whiplash and soft tissue injuries to the neck and back

What if the driver isn’t insured?

All drivers are, of course, required by law to have motor insurance to cover them in the event that a compensation claim is made against them. However, if the driver of the vehicle that caused the accident did not have insurance, you may still be able to make a passenger claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB.) The MIB is a body which was set up for this exact purpose - to compensate the victims of negligent uninsured drivers, or drivers who leave the scene of an accident and can’t be traced.

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